Are You Tired Of Feeling:
✓ Exhausted & Stressed
Are frequent night waking, short naps and lots of time spent getting your baby to sleep wearing you down?
✓ Wanting The Best For Your Child but Unsure how To Get There?
You are reserved and unsure about trying something new thinking it could have a negative impact on your child.
✓ Confused
Are you wondering why your child sleeps at night but can't seem to take long naps easily or constantly changes sleep patterns?
Are You Ready to Feel:
✓ Proud of Your Well-Rested and Even Happier Baby
That night that she puts herself to sleep happily in 15 minutes will make your heart burst
✓ Proud of Yourself
For taking action, learning the parenting skills to solve a problem and improve your child's health through more sleep with less effort
✓ Confident and Compassionate
You'll feel confident having predictability to your days and nights. You'll feel compassionate knowing how to adapt things to your baby's changing needs.

Then This Program Is For You!
Ditch The Self Doubt and Rock this Parenting Thing!

Dr. Sarah Mitchell Is
"One Of The 3 Sleep Coaches You Can Trust"
As Mentioned In:

Ready To Get More Sleep &
Have A Healthier, Happier Baby?
Dr. Sarah Makes It Simple!

✓ Step 1
Pick Your Child's Age & Watch Corresponding Class Video Lessons Anytime, Anywhere!
Watch at your own pace!

✓ Step 2
Learn The Simple Strategies Dr. Sarah Uses & Implement them on Day 1!
Relish the feeling of success and being well rested.

✓ Step 3
Ask Follow Up Questions About YOUR Baby's Sleep Regressions in Our Private Facebook Group with Dr. Sarah Mitchell
Feel Fully Supported
We went from calling out for her bottle, sometimes 7 times a night to sleeping 11-12 hours a night! It's absolutely amazing. I didn't know I could feel this good having a full night’s sleep!
Thank you so much Dr. Sarah, you've honestly changed my life!"
-Karla Fee 20 Month Old
Inside The School
Helping Newborns Sleep
Ages 0-8 Weeks
What's Inside:
No tears sleep solutions will teach you:
✓ How to confidently and compassionately guide your baby to sleep through the night with age appropriate feeds
✓ How to conquer nap put downs and have your baby waking up cooing and happy
✓ The parenting skills to develop a flexible schedule that will guide you through the continual stages of childhood.
✅Newborns Summary Manual
✅PDF Cheat Sheet
✅1.5 Hours Of Short Video Instruction

Helping Babies Sleep
Ages 4-24 Months
What's Inside:
Night waking, short naps, painful put downs - we've got it covered
✓ How to confidently and compassionately guide your baby to sleep through the night with age appropriate feeds
✓ How to conquer nap put downs and have your baby waking up cooing and happy
✓ The parenting skills to develop a flexible schedule that will guide you through the continual stages of childhood.
✅Babies Summary Manual
✅PDF Worksheet Guide
✅2.5 Hours Of Short Video Instruction

Helping Toddlers Sleep
Ages 2-4 Years
What's Inside:
Use positive praise while you:
✓ Teach your baby to fall asleep and sleep through the night without needing you
✓ Transition your baby from a crib to a bed and empower them to stay in bed all night long
✓ Help your little one drop all naps and stay well rested
✅Toddlers PDF Cheat Sheet
✅1 Hour Of Short Video Instruction

Results You Can Trust
Enjoy The Benefits Of A Happy, Healthy, Well Rested Baby
Dr.Sarah Mitchell created this course to help bring parents easy, gentle & safe strategies that have proven results. Dr.Sarah is chiropractor by training, a lactation counsellor, newborn care specialist, a member of The Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine and a former Board member of the Mothers Milk Bank of San Jose.
More From Happy Parents:

Courtney F.
Before this course, I was feeling stressed out, very tired and frustrated. No one in the house was sleeping well consistently and we didn't know what to do. Since taking the course, my 15 month old has been sleeping through the night. My favorite part about the course was that it was online and I could do with my phone and laptop. Oh and sleeping too!
-Son 15 Months

Cheryl B. & Maren
My main hesitation of taking this course was there being so many quick-fixes and gimmicky programs aimed at frustrated parents, that I always question the legitimacy and effectiveness of things. I ultimately decided to try this program because it was recommended by a trusted friend. The biggest benefit of the course is that our whole family is sleeping! Beyond that, it's been wonderful that bedtime is enjoyable again.
-Daughter 12 Months

Sarah B
Before the course I was feeling frustrated with daytime napping. We knew that our daughter was soother dependent and using this as a sleep crutch. The biggest achievement we have is that our daughter is able to self-soothe herself to sleep. She no longer is dependent on the soother! We are napping regularly and consistently. We are extremely happy with how much sleep she, and the rest of the household, is getting.
-Daughter 4 Months
Members Get Access To All 3 Courses
We Group Our Classes By Age To Match The Sleep Needs Of Each Developmental Stage.
You Get Monthly Access To All Of Our Classes For The Price Of One!

AGES 0-8 Weeks
For newest bundles of joy! Get started on the right track. Establish healthy habits from the start!

AGES 4-24 Months
Gentle teach your little one to be an independent sleeper so you can get more sleep with less effort.

AGES 2-4 Years
Help your toddler transition to a bed, stay in bed and independently fall asleep at night.

PLUS Access To Our Fully Supported Facebook Community With Dr.Sarah

Our Exclusive Group Offers Our Members 24/7 Individualized Support & Community
All Members of the Helping Babies Sleep School Get Access To Our Private Facebook Group Made To Answer Your Questions And Connect You With Dr. Sarah and Her Ambassadors So Both You And Baby Get The Best Possible Nights Sleep.
- Ask Dr. Sarah questions about YOUR baby's behavior
- Get peer to peer support from like minded parents
- Can't make the live? No problem - Email your questions in and have the replay emailed to you

Choose Your Sleep Plan & Get Started
You Can Be Loving Attached & Well rested!

"The biggest benefit of the course is that our whole family is sleeping! Beyond that, it's been wonderful that bedtime is enjoyable again."
-Josephine Higgins

Dr.Sarah Mitchell Answers The Most Commonly Asked Questions Regarding The Helping Babies Sleep Course
Do You Believe In The Cry it Out Method?
How Does The VIP Bundle Work?
My baby has reflux is this class for him?
How long with the sleep teaching take?
How Do I Cancel My Account?
What Is The Difference Between VIP & Monthly?
Your Babies Health Is Our #1 Priority
Dr.Sarah's Sleep School was made to
bring parents & babies
Health & Happiness
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If for any reason you are not satisfied after completing our courses we will refund your money*