Get More Sleep With Less Effort

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Compassionately teach your baby to sleep through the night in 2 weeks or less

Get More Sleep Now!

"I Just Want the Best For My Baby... But I'm Soooo Tired." 

Hey Mama, You're tired.  You're in the right place if you're suffering through:

  • Frequent night waking
  • Short, unsatisfying naps
  • Lots of time spent getting baby to sleep
  • Early morning wake ups
  • Being the only one who can put your baby down
  • Feeling like your baby could be sleeping more 
  • Feeling like the way you're doing things has become unsustainable 

Helping Babies Sleep

Ages 4-24 Months

The Five Pillars of The Helping Babies Sleep ® Method:

âś“ Understanding that the drive to sleep is biological, the way we sleep is learned.

âś“ Timing: Learning how to implement a flexible schedule using timing to give you a flow to your day.

âś“ Feeding - Being an intentional feeding in the day and night to help set you up for success.

âś“ Messaging-  Communicating change and being able to be consistent by haivng a plan.  

 âś“ Responding-  Sleep teaching by attending or acknolwedging via two different methods. 

Parenting skills to get sleep on track and guide you through the ages.  You'll learn about bedtime, night waking, night feeding, nap put downs and short naps.  The goal is to have your baby sleeping through the night within 2 weeks.

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Enroll My Baby

4 to 24 mo Helping Babies Sleep Class


one time payment

  • Lifetime Access to the Helping Babies Sleep Class 

4 to 24 mo Helping Babies Sleep Community

$147 + $37/m

Monthly Subscription

  • Weekly Expert Coaching with Dr. Sarah – Ask questions about YOUR baby and get professional advice.
  • Peer-to-Peer Support – Connect with parents using the same gentle strategies.

Ready To Get More Sleep &

A Healthier, Happier Baby?

 Dr. Sarah Makes It Simple!

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âś“ Step 1

Watch Quick, Easy to Follow Video Lessons anytime, anywhere!

Watch at your own pace.

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✓ Step 2

Add on Community Access ask the expert questions about YOUR baby. 

Relish the feeling of feeling support and reassured on your parenting journey. 

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✓ Step 3

ENJOY the feeling of being well rested.

Feel Confident and Proud Or Your Baby and Yourself! 


Dr. Sarah Mitchell

A chiropractor by training, Dr. Sarah has helped thousands of families teach their little ones to sleep since 2013. She created this class to help bring parents easy, gentle & safe strategies that have proven results. Dr. Sarah's a member of the Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine, a certified lactation counsleor, a former a board member of the Mothers Milk Bank of San Jose and a certified NLP coach.

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Dr. Sarah Mitchell

A chiropractor by training, Dr. Sarah has helped thousands of families teach their little ones to sleep since 2013. She's a member of the Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine, a certified lactation counselor, a board member of the Mothers Milk Bank of San Jose a certified NLP coach,

More From Happy Parents:

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Courtney F. 

Before this course, I was feeling stressed out, very tired and frustrated. No one in the house was sleeping well consistently and we didn't know what to do. Since taking the course, my 15 month old has been sleeping through the night. My favorite part about the course was that it was online and  I could do with my phone and laptop. Oh and sleeping too!
-Son 15 Months
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Cheryl B. & Maren

My main hesitation of taking this course was there being so many quick-fixes and gimmicky programs aimed at frustrated parents, that I always question the legitimacy and effectiveness of things. I ultimately decided to try this program because it was recommended by a trusted friend. The biggest benefit of the course is that our whole family is sleeping! Beyond that, it's been wonderful that bedtime is enjoyable again.
 -Daughter 12 Months
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Sarah B

Before the course I was feeling frustrated with daytime napping. We knew that our daughter was soother dependent and using this as a sleep crutch. The biggest achievement we have is that our daughter is able to self-soothe herself to sleep. She no longer is dependent on the soother! We are napping regularly and consistently. We are extremely happy with how much sleep she, and the rest of the household, is getting.
 -Daughter 4 Months

Results You Can Trust

Enjoy The Benefits Of A Happy, Healthy, and Well Rested Baby

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Happier Babies

Sleep is essential for child development and creates happy, loving & joyous babies! 

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Be More Loving & Present

Become relaxed and confident as you create healthy routines

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Energize & Restore Your Life

Reclaim your nights and wake up with more energy than ever before!

I’m even partnering with other baby experts to ensure you’re supported (and encouraged) at every stage of the 4th trimester.

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Sara Boudrie, HotMilkBreastfeeding. 

Sara Boudrie is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and Registered Nurse. Since 2011 she’s empowered women to have a rewarding, efficient breastfeeding journey with their babies through her meticulous assessments and trouble shooting skills.

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Dr. Sarah Mitchell, BKin DC  Helping Babies Sleep

Dr. Sarah Mitchell is a s a sought after sleep consultant in silicon valley where she works with busy executive parents in her high touch private sleep coaching. She’s the author of the book, The Helping Babies Sleep Method; The Art and Science of Teaching Your Baby to Sleep. Since 2013 she’s helped thousands of parents be loving, attached and well-rested. A Canadian girl at heart, she currently lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband, son and daughter. 

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Firen Forrest, LM, CPM, MBA

Clinical Director & Midwife

Firen Jones is a licensed midwife, director and founder of the Nightingale Birthing Center in San Mateo, CA.


Dr.Sarah Mitchell Answers The Most Commonly Asked Questions Regarding The Helping Babies Sleep Class

Our #1 Question:
Do you believe in the Cry It Out Method?

See Dr. Sarah's response in the video below:



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